The Cerebral Autoregulation Assement Open Source (CAAos) platform is the first open-source platform in the world for the evaluation of Cerebral Autoregulation (CA), it has been developed by researchers at the HeartLab of the Federal University of ABC in partnership with the group of Neurosonology and Brain Hemodynamics at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo and the Medical Deparment of University of Leicester (UK).
The platform enables the user to input the signal’s data of a subject and with that to do a preprocessing of the signal by applying filters, removing artefacts and synchronizing the signals and then, through mathematical methods as well as Transfer Function Analysis, to calculate the CA.
For further informations, manuals and video tutorials of CAAos platform, please, access the following links of our GitHub and YouTube: https://github.com/CAAosPlatform/CAAos / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDzdHse1rxFDlmmJX698jzg/featured