Nationality: Brazilian

Age: 19




IC Student

Academic Advisor: Prof. PhD. João Lameu

My participation in the research group is as a student of Scientific Initiation. I am part of a university program called “Pesquisando Desde o Primeiro Dia (PDPD)” which aims to bring incoming students into contact with research in the first year of their undergraduate studies.

The research focuses on the study of four areas of the cardiovascular system: anatomy, electrophysiology, biomechanics and hemodynamics. Based on the study of these areas, my contribution to the group is focused on the production of materials for scientific dissemination to raise awareness about heart diseases, with emphasis on atrial fibrillation. These materials are being posted on an institutional platform for scientific dissemination.

Additionally, my research involves the study of biofluid mechanics and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Therefore, the project also aims at learning computational simulations through Ansys Workbench software. The use of simulations contributes to the understanding of the phenomena of the heart.

Scholarship: Undergraduate student at the Federal University of ABC (UFABC) – Bachelor in Science and Technology and Biomedical Engineering.