Although brain is the most responsible for the human living, this organ also is the most sensible one, which, to keep its functioning and health, has specifics amount of nutrients, blood flow, and pressure. One particular physiological mechanism to maintain these characteristics is the Cerebral Autoregulation (CA), which controls the cerebral blood flow (CBF) once there is a variation of the arterial blood pressure (ABP) due to activities as physical exercises or sleeping. To analyze the CA, techniques such as Transfer Function Analysis (TFA) and Autoregulation Index (ARI) are mathematical and processing signals methods to quantify how is the CA of a health or neurological subjects. My research is to study the CA through the platform CAAos (Cerebral Autoregulation Assessment Open Source) by applying a new method in the software. The Mx method is a mathematical technique which is commonly used in the scientific community and it has the function to evaluate the CA through the data of CBF velocity and ABP means, resulting an index that indicates how well is the subjects’ CA.
Hoobies: Movies, Gym, Reading and Arts.
Education: Undergraduate student at Federal University of ABC (UFABC) of Bachelor in Science and Technology and Biomedical Engineering.