
1. CHU, G. ; LI, X. ; STAFFORD, P. ; VANHEUSDEN, F. J. ; Salinet, J. ; ALMEIDA, T. P. ; DASTAGIR, N. ; SANDILANDS, A. J. ; KIRCHHOF, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; Ng, G Andre . Simultaneous Whole-chamber Non-contact Mapping of Highest Dominant Frequency Sites during Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: a Prospective Ablation Study. Frontiers in Physiology, v. 13, p. 826449, 2022. Citações:1

2. PAREDES, J. G. S. ; CROWLEY, C. J. ; FENTON, F. H. ; BHATIA, N. ; IRAVANIAN, S. ; SANDOVAL, I. ; POLLNOW, S. ; DOSSEL, O. ; Salinet, J. ; UZELAC, I. . Circle Method for Robust Estimation of Local Conduction Velocity High-Density Maps From Optical Mapping Data: Characterization of Radiofrequency Ablation Sites. Frontiers in Physiology, v. 13, p. 794761, 2022. Citações:2|2

3. GOROSO, G. ; WATANABE, W. T. ; NAPOLEONE, F. ; SILVA, D. P. ; Salinet, J. ; SILVA, R. R. ; PUGLISI, J. L. . Remote monitoring of heart rate variability for obese children. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, v. 66, p. 102453, 2021. Citações:8|10

4. LI, X. ; CHU, G. ; ALMEIDA, T. P. ; VANHEUSDEN, F. J. ; Salinet, J. ; DASTAGIR, N. ; MISTRY, A. R. ; VALI, Z. ; SIDHU, B. ; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; Ng, G Andre . Automatic Extraction of Recurrent Patterns of High Dominant Frequency Mapping During Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. Frontiers in Physiology, v. 12, p. 286, 2021. Citações:12|13

5.  Salinet, J.; MOLERO, R. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; KAREL, J. ; RODRIGO, M. ; ROJO-ALVAREZ, J. L. ; BERENFELD, O. ; CLIMENT, A. ; ZENGER, B. ; VANHEUSDEN, F. J. ; PAREDES, J. G. S. ; MACLEOD, R. ; ATIENZA, F. ; GUILLEM, M. S. ; CLUITMANS, M. ; BONIZZI, P. . Electrocardiographic imaging for atrial fibrillation: a perspective from computer models and animal experiments to clinical value. Frontiers in Physiology, v. 12, p. 653013, 2021. Citações:14|24

6. Salinet, J.; MOURA, F. S. ; COSTA, R. R. ; SANTOS, P. M. N. ; ZAMAI, M. ; PANERAI, R. ; DUARTE, A. M. ; BOR-SENG-SHU, E. ; SALINET, A. S. M. . CAAos platform: an integrated platform for analysis of cerebral hemodynamics data. PHYSIOLOGICAL MEASUREMENT, v. 42, p. 104002, 2021. Citações:1|2

7. MARQUES, VICTOR GONÇALVES ; RODRIGO, MIGUEL ; GUILLEM, MARIA DE LA SALUD ; SALINET, JOÃO . A robust wavelet-based approach for dominant frequency analysis of atrial fibrillation in body surface signals. Physiological Measurement, v. 41, p. 075004, 2020. Citações:6|6

8. MARQUES, V. G. ; RODRIGO, M. ; GUILLEM, M. S. ; Salinet, J. . Characterization of atrial arrhythmias in body surface potential mapping: A computational study. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, v. 127, p. 103904, 2020.

9. ALMEIDA, T. P. ; SORIANO, D. C. ; MASE, M. ; RAVELLI, F. ; LI, X. ; CHU, G. ; Salinet, J. ; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; Ng, G Andre ; YONEYAMA, T. . Unsupervised Classification of Atrial Electrograms for Electroanatomic Mapping of Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, v. 68, p. 1131-1141, 2020. Citações:8|9

10. LI, XIN ; ALMEIDA, T. P. ; DASTAGIR, N. ; GUILLEM, M. S. ; Salinet, J. ; CHU, G. ; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; Ng, G Andre . Standardizing Single-Frame Phase Singularity Identification Algorithms and Parameters in Phase Mapping During Human Atrial Fibrillation. Frontiers in Physiology, v. 11, p. 1-19, 2020. Citações:14|14

11. VANHEUSDEN, FREDERIQUE J. ; CHU, GAVIN S. ; LI, XIN ; SALINET, JOÃO ; ALMEIDA, TIAGO P. ; DASTAGIR, NAWSHIN ; STAFFORD, PETER J. ; NG, G. ANDRÉ ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . Systematic differences of non-invasive dominant frequency estimation compared to invasive dominant frequency estimation in atrial fibrillation. COMPUTERS IN BIOLOGY AND MEDICINE, v. 104, p. 299-309, 2019. Citações:11|13

12.ALMEIDA, T. P. ; CHU, G. ; BELL, M. J. ; LI, X. ; Salinet, J. L. ; DASTAGIR, N. ; TUAN, JIUN H. ; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. . The temporal behavior and consistency of bipolar atrial electrograms in human persistent atrial fibrillation. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, v. 56, p. 71-83, 2018. Citações:6|9

13. ALMEIDA, T. P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; Salinet, J. ; LI, X. ; CHU, G. ; TUAN, JIUN H. ; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SORIANO, D. C. . Characterization of human persistent atrial fibrillation electrograms using recurrence quantification analysis. CHAOS, v. 28, p. 085710, 2018. Citações:24|24

14. ALMEIDA, T. P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; Salinet, J. L. ; LI, XIN ; CHU, GAVIN S. ; TUAN, JIUN H. ; STAFFORD, PETER J. ; Ng, G Andre ; SORIANO, D. C. . The temporal stability of recurrence quantification analysis attributes from chronic atrial fibrillation electrograms. RESEARCH ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, v. 34, p. 337-349, 2018. Citações:3

15.  LI, X. ; Salinet, J. L. ; ALMEIDA, T. P. ; VANHEUSDEN, F. J. ; CHU, G. ; NG, G. A. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. . An interactive platform to guide catheter ablation in human persistent atrial fibrillation using dominant frequency, organization and phase mapping. COMPUTER METHODS AND PROGRAMS IN BIOMEDICINE, v. 141, p. 83-92, 2017. Citações:18|22

16.  Salinet, J. L.; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. ; STAFFORD, P. ; ALMEIDA, T. P. ; XIN, L. ; VANHEUSDEN, F. J. ; GUILLEM, M. S. ; NG, G. A. . Propagation of Meandering Rotors Surrounded by High Dominant Frequency Areas in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. HEART RHYTHM, v. 14, p. 1269-1278, 2017. Citações:20|25

17. ALMEIDA, T. P. ; CHU, G. ; Salinet, J. L. ; VANHEUSDEN, F. J. ; LI, X. ; TUAN, J. H. ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, G. A. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. . Minimizing discordances in automated classification of fractionated electrograms in human persistent atrial fibrillation. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, v. 54, p. 1695-1706, 2016. Citações:21|24

18. Salinet, J. L.; MASCA, N. ; STAFFORD, P. J. ; NG, G. ANDRÉ ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. . Three-dimensional dominant frequency mapping using autoregressive spectral analysis of atrial electrograms of patients in persistent atrial fibrillation. Biomedical Engineering Online, v. 15, p. 28-15-28, 2016. Citações:8|9

19.  SALINET, JOÃO L.; TUAN, JIUN H. ; SANDILANDS, ALISTAIR J. ; STAFFORD, PETER J. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. ; ANDRÉ NG, G. . Distinctive Patterns of Dominant Frequency Trajectory Behavior in Drug-Refractory Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Preliminary Characterization of Spatiotemporal Instability. Journal of Cardiovascular Electrophysiology (Print), v. 25, p. 371-379, 2014. Citações:43|51

20. SALINET JÚNIOR, J. L.; OLIVEIRA, G. N. ; VANHEUSDEN, F. J. ; COMBA, J. L. D. ; NG, G. A. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. . Visualization of Intracardiac Atrial Electrograms of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation using Spectral Analysis. COMPUTING IN SCIENCE & ENGINEERING, v. 15, p. 79-87, 2013. Citações:11|11

21. Salinet, J. L.; MADEIRO, J. P. V. ; CORTEZ, P. C. ; STAFFORD, P. J. ; ANDRÉ NG, G. ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. . Analysis of QRS-T subtraction in unipolar atrial fibrillation electrograms. MEDICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING & COMPUTING, v. 1, p. 1-11, 2013. Citações:35|43

22. AHMAD, A. ; SALINET JÚNIOR, J. L. ; Brown, P. ; TUAN, J. H. ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, G. ANDRE ; SCHLINDWEIN, F. S. . QRS subtraction for atrial electrograms: flat, linear and spline interpolations. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, v. 49, p. 1321-1328, 2011. Citações:12|11

Book Chapters Published

1. Sandoval, Italo ; Costa, Gabriel V. ; Restivo, Camila R. ; Guillem, Maria S. ; Sims, John A. ; SALINET, JOÃO . Non-invasive Mechanism Location of Atrial Arrythmias with Optical Flow from Electrocardiographic Imaging. IFMBE Proceedings. 1ed.: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, v. , p. 44-53.

2. Lameu, João ; Siles, Jimena G. ; Sandoval, Italo ; McInnis, Melissa ; SALINET, JOÃO . Integrated Numerical Model for Hemodynamic Simulation of Human Atria Under Atrial Fibrillation by Coupling 3D Electrophysiological Activity. IFMBE Proceedings. 1ed.: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, v. , p. 54-64.

3. Siles, Jimena ; Uzelac, Ilija ; Sandoval, Italo ; Silva, Vinicius ; Weber, Giovanni ; Correia, Rhuan ; SALINET, JOÃO . Panoramic Optical Mapping Setup in a Langendorff Perfused Rabbit Heart for the Study of Atrial Fibrillation. IFMBE Proceedings. 1ed.: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, v. , p. 86-94.

4. ANTUNES, M. E. T. ; Campos, F. O. ; SANDOVAL, I. ; Siles, J. G. ; UZELAC, I. ; Salinet, J. . Atrial Fibrillation Mechanisms: A Contribution from Computational Modelling. IFMBE Proceedings. 1ed.: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, v. , p. 139-146.

5. Romanelli, Renata ; Zamai, Matheus ; MACHADO, M. F. ; COSTA-HONG, V. A. ; Bortolotto, L. A ; NOGUEIRA, R. C. ; Salinet, J. ; SALINET, A. S. M. . Comparison of Cerebral Autoregulation in Patients with Mild and Severe Arterial Hypertension. IFMBE Proceedings. 1ed.: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, v. , p. 245-255.

6. COSTA, G. V. ; RESTIVO, C. R. ; SANDOVAL, I. ; GUILLEM, M. S. ; Salinet, J. . The Forward and Inverse Solution Pipeline for Robust Characterization of Supraventricular Cardiac Arrhythmias. IFMBE Proceedings. 1ed.: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2024, v. , p. 76-85.

7. Salinet, J.; UZELAC, I. ; PAREDES, J. G. S. ; SILVA, V. P. ; SANDOVAL, I. ; NEVES, T. ; CESTARI, I. A. ; MAZZETO, M. . 3D Electrical Mapping of the Heart. In: Christiane Bertachini Lombello; Patricia Aparecida da Ana. (Org.). Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering. 1ed.: Springer, Cham, 2023, v. , p. 237-253.

8. Salinet, J.; SANDOVAL, I. ; SIMS, J. ; SILVA JUNIOR, J. L. . Hemodynamic Modeling of Supraventricular Arrhythmias Using an Integrated Numerical Approach. In: Christiane Bertachini Lombello; Patricia Aparecida da Ana. (Org.). Current Trends in Biomedical Engineering. 1ed.: Springer, Cham, 2023, v. , p. 107-123.

9.MADEIRO, J. P. V. ; PEDROSA, R. C. ; SALINET, JOÃO L. ; CORTEZ, P. C. . Classical and Modern Features for Interpretation of ECG signal. In: Joao Paulo do Vale Madeiro; Paulo Cortez; José Maria Da Silva Monteiro Filho; Angelo Roncalli Alencar Brayner. (Org.). Developments and Applications for ECG Signal Processing: Modeling, Segmentation, and Pattern Recognition. 1sted.: Academic Press, 2018, v. , p. 1-210.

10. SALINET, JOÃO L.; SILVA, O. L. . ECG signal acquisition systems. In: Joao Paulo do Vale Madeiro; Paulo Cortez; José Maria Da Silva Monteiro Filho; Angelo Roncalli Alencar Brayner. (Org.). Developments and Applications for ECG Signal Processing: Modeling, Segmentation, and Pattern Recognition. 1sted.: Academic Press, 2018, v. , p. 2-.

Complete papers published in conference proceedings


SANDOVAL, I.; COSTA, GV; RESTIVO, CR; MARQUES, VG; RODRIGO, M.; GUILLEM, MARIA DE LA SALUD ; SIMS, J.; Salinet, J. Non-Invasive Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmia Mechanism Classification and Location based on Body Surface and Electrocardiographic Imaging biomarkers. In: 50th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2023, Atlanta. Computers in Cardiology (CinC) | IEEE Conference | IEEE XPlore, 2023.


COSTA, RR; SALINET, ASM; NOGUEIRA, R. ; Salinet, J. Prediction of Stroke Diagnosis Through a Classification Model Based on Cerebral Autoregulation: a Preliminary Study. In: 50th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2023, Atlanta. Computers in Cardiology (CinC) | IEEE Conference | IEEE XPlore, 2023.


SANDOVAL, I.; SILVA, VP; PAREDES, JGS; WEBER, G. ; CORREIA, R. ; NEVES, T.; UZELAC, I.; SIMS, J.; Salinet, J. Heart Geometry Generation and Signal Projection for Optical Panoramic and Electrical Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation. In: 50th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2023, Atlanta. Computers in Cardiology (CinC) | IEEE Conference | IEEE XPlore, 2023.


PAREDES, JGS; UZELAC, I.; SILVA, VP; SANDOVAL, I.; WEBER, G. ; Salinet, J. Simultaneous Recording of Electrical and Panoramic Optical Mapping From In-vivo Isolated Rabbit Hearts: From Sinus Rhythm to Induced Arrhythmia. In: 50th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2023, Atlanta. Computers in Cardiology (CinC) | IEEE Conference | IEEE XPlore, 2023.


FONSECA, FB ; SANDOVAL, I. ; SILVA JUNIOR, JL ; Salinet, J. . In Silico 3D Simulations of Atrial Fibrillation Mechanisms. In: SEB 2023: XV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2023, Uberlândia. SEB 2023: XV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2023.


RODRIGUES, J. ; COSTA, RR ; MOURA, FS ; SALINET, ASM ; Salinet, J. . Validation of non-invasive Mean Flow Index in Acute Ischemic Stroke Patients.. In: SEB 2023: XV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2023, Uberlândia. SEB 2023: XV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2023.


COSTA, RR ; RODRIGUES, J. ; SALINET, ASM ; Salinet, J. . Influence of clinical and cerebral hemodynamics characteristics in acute ischemic stroke patients. In: SEB 2023: XV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2023, Uberlândia. SEB 2023: XV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2023.


SILVA JUNIOR, JL; SANDOVAL, I.; Salinet, J. Thrombogenesis and Hemodynamics in Left Atrium Under Atrial Fibrillation. In: 49th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2022, Tampere. 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) – IEEE Xplore Conferences, 2022.


SANDOVAL, I.; SIMS, J.; Salinet, J. Tracking Atrial Fibrillation Mechanisms: a Computational Method for Locating Rotors and Ectopic Activity Using Curl and Divergence Operators. In: 49th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2022, Tampere. Computers in Cardiology (CinC) | IEEE Conference | IEEE XPlore, 2022.


PAREDES, JGS; Salinet, J .; CROWLEY, C.; FENTON, FH ; BHATIA, N. ; UZELAC, I. . Cell Unexcitability and Electrotonic Coupling Phenomenon Analysis of Ablation-Created Lesions: A Study Case with Ablated Explanted Human Heart. In: 49th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2022, Tampere. 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) – IEEE Xplore Conferences, 2022.


COSTA, GV; RESTIVO, CR; SANDOVAL, I.; GUILLEM, MARIA DE LA SALUD ; Salinet, J. A personalized pipeline to reduce ECGi-AF biomarkers disparity: a clinical-computational study. In: 49th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2022, Tampere. 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) – IEEE Xplore Conferences, 2022.


RESTIVO, CR; COSTA, GV; SANDOVAL, I.; GUILLEM, MARIA DE LA SALUD ; Salinet, J. Validation of a customized method for estimation of torso AF biomarkers from the atria: a computational-clinical study. In: 49th Computing in Cardiology Conference, 2022, Tampere. 2022 Computing in Cardiology (CinC) – IEEE Xplore Conferences, 2022.


OLIVEIRA, DC ; SILVA, VP ; SANDOVAL, I. ; PAREDES, JGS ; Salinet, J. . CardioGuide: An Electrical and Imaging Cardiac Graphical User Interface for experimental electrophysiology studies. In: XIV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2022, Uberlândia. Proceedings of the XIV Biomedical Engineering Symposium, 2022.


ANTUNES, MET ; CAMPOS, F. ; SANDOVAL, I. ; PAREDES, JGS ; UZELAC, I. ; Salinet, J. . Atrial fibrillation mechanisms: a contribution from computational modeling. In: IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022, Florianópolis. IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022.


RESTIVO, CR ; COSTA, GV ; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. . The forward and inverse solution pipeline for robust characterization of supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias. In: IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022, Florianópolis. IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022.


SANDOVAL, I. ; COSTA, GV ; RESTIVO, CR ; GUILLEM, MARIA DE LA SALUD ; SIMS, J. ; Salinet, J. . Non-invasive mechanism localization of atrial arrhythmias with optical flow from electrocardiographic imaging. In: IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022, Florianópolis. IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022.


SILVA JUNIOR, JL ; PAREDES, JGS ; SANDOVAL, I. ; MCINNIS, M. ; Salinet, J. . Integrated Numerical Model for Hemodynamic Simulation of Human Atria Under Atrial Fibrillation by Coupling 3D Electrophysiological Activity. In: IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022, Florianópolis. IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022.


PAREDES, JGS ; UZELAC, I. ; SANDOVAL, I. ; SILVA, VP ; WEBER, G. ; CORREIA, R. ; Salinet, J. . Panoramic optical mapping setup in a langendorff perfused rabbit heart for the study of atrial fibrillation.. In: IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022, Florianópolis. IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022.


COSTA, RR ; ZAMAI, M. ; MACHADO, MF ; SIMBO, HMC ; COSTA-HONG, VA ; BORTOLOTTO, LA ; NOGUEIRA, RC ; Salinet, J. ; SALINET, ASM . Comparison of Cerebral Autoregulation in Patients with Mild and Severe Arterial Hypertension. In: IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022, Florianópolis. IX Latin American Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CLAIB 2022) and XXVIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2022), 2022.


SANDOVAL, I.; MARQUES, VG; SIMS, J.; RODRIGO, M.; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, JL . Non-invasive Mechanism Classification and Localization in Supraventricular Cardiac Arrhythmias. In: 48th Computing in Cardiology conference, 2021, Brno. 48th Computing in Cardiology conference, 2021.


PAREDES, JGS; Salinet, J .; POLLNOW, S. ; CANOPY, O. ; UZELAC, I. . Estimation of the ablated area size based on local conduction velocity: simulation and animal experiments. In: 48th Computing in Cardiology conference, 2021. 48th Computing in Cardiology conference, 2021.


FERNANDES, R.; PAREDES, JGS; Salinet, J. Detection and Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmias by Machine Learning: A systematic review. In: 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020, Rimini. 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020.


PAREDES, JGS; POLLNOW, S. ; CANOPY, O. ; Salinet, J. The influence of cardiac ablation on the electrophysiological characterization of rat isolated atrium: preliminary analysis.. In: 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020. 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020.


MARQUES, VG; RODRIGO, M.; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. A wavelet-based method for non-invasive dominant frequency detection in atrial fibrillation. In: 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020. 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020.


MARQUES, VG; RODRIGO, M.; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. Classification and Location of Atrial Arrhythmic Mechanisms with Body Surface Potential Mapping. In: 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020, Rimini. 47th Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2020.


DUARTE, AM ; COSTA, RR ; MOURA, FS ; SALINET, ASM ; Salinet, J. . Evaluation and Systematization of the Transfer Function Method for Cerebral Autoregulation Assessment. In: XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020. p. 888-893.


SANTOS, PMN ; Salinet, J. ; MOURA, FS ; BOR-SENG-SHU, E. ; SALINET, ASM . Cerebral Autoregulation Open Source Multiplatform: CAAos platform. In: XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020. p. 1407-1412.


SANTOS, R. ; MCINNIS, M. ; Salinet, J. . Diagnostic and Monitoring of Atrial Fibrillation using Wearable Devices: a Scoping Review. In: XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020.


PAREDES, JGS ; POLLNOW, S. ; UZELAC, I. ; DOSSEL, O. ; Salinet, J. . The Influence of Cardiac Ablation on the Electrophysiological Characterization of Rat Isolated Atrium: Preliminary Analysis.. In: XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020.


FERNANDES, R. ; PAREDES, JGS ; Salinet, J. . Integrative Review of Artificial Intelligence Methods Applied to the Classification of Cardiac Arrhythmia.. In: XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020. p. 941-946.


MARQUES, VG ; RODRIGO, M. ; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. . Classification of atrial arrhythmic mechanism and their location in body surface potential mapping. In: XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020.


MARQUES, VG ; RODRIGO, M. ; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. . Dominant frequency detection in body surface potential mapping undergoing atrial fibrillation using continuous wavelet transform. In: XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020. p. 1472-1475.


SALINET, JOÃO ; PAREDES, JGS; MAZZETO, M.; MARQUES, VG; SAMESIMA, N.; PASTORE, CA; CESTARI, IA. Non-Invasive Characterization of Cardiac Activation Patterns: Contributions of Body Surface Potential Mapping in Healthy Volunteers. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


MARQUES, VG; RODRIGO, M.; GUILLEM, MS ; SALINET, JOÃO . Non-invasive Characterization of Atrial Arrhythmic Driving Mechanisms in Computer Models. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


MARQUES, VG; RODRIGO, M.; GUILLEM, MS ; SALINET, JOÃO . Effect of Reducing the Number of Leads in Body Surface Potential Mapping of Computer Models of Atrial Arrhythmias. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


VANHEUSDEN, FJ; CHU, G.; LI, X. ; SALINET, JOÃO ; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Are atrial fibrillation highest dominant frequency (HDF) areas the source of dominant excitation patterns? A left atrial panoramic view. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


MADEIRO, JPV; BARRETO, D.; MARQUES, JAL; SALINET, JOÃO . Evaluating Mathematical Models for Morphological Classification of the QRS Complex. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


SILVA, DP; WATANABE, WT; LOPES, WS ; RODRIGUES, H.; RODRIGUES, R.; SALINET, JOÃO ; BISSAC, BUT; GOROSO, G. . Remote monitoring of biomedical signals. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


WATANABE, WT; SILVA, DP; LOPES, WS ; RODRIGUES, H. ; RODRIGUES, R.; SALINET, JOÃO ; BISSAC, BUT; GOROSO, G. . Remote monitoring of heart rate variability: arrhythmia detection. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


SIMS, J.; SALINET, JOÃO ; GUTIERREZ, M. . Directional Analysis of 2D Cardiac Motion Slices Using the Discrete Helmholtz Hodge Decomposition. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.


SIMS, J.; CASTALDONI, R. ; SALINET, JOÃO ; ASSUNCAO-JR, AN; ARAUJO-FILHO, JA ; VICTOR, R. ; MORAES, T.; LEMOS, AP; TARASSOUTI, F.; VIEIRA, M. ; NOMURA, CH. Statistical and Image Processing Tools for Predicting Severity of Calcific Degenerative Aortic Valve Stenosis. In: 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019, Singapore. 46th Computing in Cardiology (CinC) Conference, 2019.










ALMEIDA, TP; SORIANO, DC; LI, XIN; CHU, GAVIN S. ; Salinet, J .; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; YONEYAMA, T. . Unsupervised k-Mean Classification of Atrial Electrograms From Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: Computing in Cardiology 2018, 2018, Maastricht. IEEE Computing in Cardiology, 2018.


LI, X. ; CHU, GAVIN S. ; ALMEIDA, TIAGO P. ; Salinet, J .; MISTRY, AR ; VALI, Z.; STAFFORD, P. ; Schilling, RJ; Ng, G Andre . A KNN Classifier for Predicting Catheter Ablation Responses using Non-contact Electrograms during Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: Computing in Cardiology 2018, 2018, Maastricht. IEEE Computing in Cardiology, 2018.


LI, XIN; CHU, GAVIN S. ; ALMEIDA, TIAGO P. ; Salinet, J .; MISTRY, AR ; VALI, Z.; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. ; Ng, G Andre . Dominant Frequency Variability Mapping for Identifying Stable Drivers During Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Using Noncontact Mapping. In: Computing in Cardiology 2018, 2018, Maastricht. IEEE Computing in Cardiology, 2018.


Salinet, JL ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; STAFFORD, P. ; ALMEIDA, TP; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; GUILLEM, MS ; Ng, G Andre . Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Hierarchical Activation: from Highest DF Sites to Wave Fractionation at the Boundaries. In: 44th annual scientific meeting of Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2017, Rennes. In proceedings IEEE Xplore Digital Library: IEEE – 2017 Computing in Cardiology, 2017.


PANICO, K.; WEBER, G. ; RAMOS, MSC; Salinet, JL . Electrophysiological Effects on Renal Ischaemia/Reperfusion-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy. In: 44th annual scientific meeting of Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2017, Rennes. In proceedings IEEE Xplore Digital Library: IEEE – 2017 Computing in Cardiology, 2017.


Salinet, JL ; MARQUES, VG; MAZZETO, M.; CAMARGO, EDLB ; PASTORE, CA; CESTARI, IA. A 64-lead Body Surface Potential Mapping System. In: 44th annual scientific meeting of Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2017, Rennes. In proceedings IEEE Xplore Digital Library: IEEE – 2017 Computing in Cardiology, 2017.


ALMEIDA, TP; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Salinet, JL ; XIN, L.; CHU, G.; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SORIANO, DC. Deterministic structures in fractionated atrial electro-grams during human persistent atrial fibrillation. In: 44th annual scientific meeting of Computing in Cardiology (CinC), 2017, Rennes. In proceedings IEEE Xplore Digital Library: IEEE – 2017 Computing in Cardiology, 2017.


Salinet, J. ; MARQUES, VG ; MAZZETO, M. ; CAMARGO, EDLB ; PASTORE, CA ; CESTARI, IA . Development of Body Surface Mapping Equipment for Guiding Cardiac Arrhythmias Diagnoses and Treatments. In: 8th Symposium on Medical Imaging and Instrumentation (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017, São Bernardo do Campo. 8th Symposium on Medical Imaging and Instrumentation (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017.


ALMEIDA, TP ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS ; Salinet, J. ; LI, X. ; CHU, G. ; TUAN, JIUN H. ; STAFFORD, P. ; ANDRÉ NG, G. ; SORIANO, DC . Temporal stability of recurrence attributes in atrial electrograms from patients with chronic atrial fibrillation. In: 8th Symposium on Medical Imaging and Instrumentation (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017, São Bernardo do Campo. 8th Symposium on Medical Imaging and Instrumentation (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017.


RUIZ, R. ; OLIVEIRA, HJQ ; Salinet, J. ; ECHEIMBERG, J. ; BISSACO, M. . Impact of WhatsApp and Google Hangouts on the quality of transmitted medical images. In: 8th Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017, São Bernardo do Campo. 8th Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017.


ALMEIDA, TP; CHU, G.; LI, X. ; Salinet, JL ; DASTAGIR, N.; BELL, MJ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P.J.; NG, G. ANDRÉ ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Contributing Factors Concerning Inconsistencies in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation Outcomes. In: Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2016, Vancouver. Computers in Cardiology (CinC), 2016. v. 1. p. 1.


Salinet, JL ; CAMARGO, EDLB ; MENEGHINI, CEB ; CESTARI, IA . Platform for high-density torso biopotential mapping. In: XXV Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2016), 2016, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of the XXV Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2016), 2016. p. 1678-1682.


ALMEIDA, TP ; CHU, G. ; BELL, MJ ; LI, X. ; Salinet, JL ; DASTAGIR, N. ; TUAN, JIUN H. ; STAFFORD, PJ ; NG, G. ANDRÉ ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . The spatio-temporal behavior of atrial electrogram fractionation in persistent atrial fibrillation. In: XXV Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2016), 2016, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of the XXV Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2016), 2016. v. 1. p. 1674-1677.


PEREIRA, VC ; CAMARGO, EDLB ; Salinet, JL ; SORIANO, DC . Run-time recurrence quantification analysis using LABVIEW: ECG characterization. In: XXV Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2016), 2016, Foz do Iguaçu. Proceedings of the XXV edition of the Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2016), 2016. v. 1. p. 1686-1689.


Salinet, JL ; GUILLEM, MS ; ALMEIDA, TP; XIN, L.; GOROSO, G.; CHU, G.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Drifting rotor prevalence is associated with dominant frequency reduction after persistent atrial fibrillation ablation. In: Computing in Cardiology, 2015, Nice. Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2015.


ALMEIDA, TP; CHU, G.; Salinet, JL ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; LI, X. ; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P.J.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Unifying automated fractionated atrial electrograms classification using electroanatomical mapping systems in persistent atrial fibrillation studies. In: Computing in Cardiology, 2015, Nice. Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2015.


LI, X. ; CHU, G.; ALMEIDA, TP; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; DASTAGIR, N.; Salinet, JL ; STAFFORD, P.J.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Investigation on Recurrent High Dominant Frequency Spatiotemporal Patterns during Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: Computing in Cardiology, 2015, Nice. Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2015.


DASTAGIR, N.; LI, X. ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; ALMEIDA, TP; Salinet, JL ; CHU, G.; STAFFORD, P.J.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Combination of frequency and phase to characterize the spatiotemporal behavior of cardiac waves during persistent atrial fibrillation. In: Computing in Cardiology, 2015, Nice. Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2015.


Freitas, EB; Salinet, JL ; OLIVEIRA, HJQ . A novel method for automatic standardization of digital electrocardiographs. In: Computing in Cardiology, 2015, Nice. Proceeding of Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2015.


SALINET, JOÃO L. ; TUAN, JH ; SALINET, ASM; LI, X. ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Distinctive patterns of dominant frequency trajectory behavior in persistent atrial fibrillation: spatio-temporal characterization. In: Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA. IEEE Xplore Digital Library Conferences: Computing in Cardiology, 2014.


LI, X. ; SALINET, JOÃO L. ; ALMEIDA, TP; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; CHU, G.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. A platform to guide catheter ablation of persistent atrial fibrillation using dominant frequency mapping. In: Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA. IEEE Xplore Digital Library Conferences: Computing in Cardiology, 2014.


DASTAGIR, N.; SALINET, JOÃO L. ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; ALMEIDA, TP; LI, X. ; CHU, G.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Spatiotemporal behavior of high dominant frequency during persistent atrial fibrillation. In: Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2014, Cambridge, MA, USA. Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2014.


Salinet, JL ; MARQUES, JA ; SALINET, ASM ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Nonlinearity Characterization and Entropy Analysis of Intracardiac Atrial Electrogram Signals. In: Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2014, Uberlândia. Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2014.


ALMEIDA, TP; SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; CHU, G.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . Different definitions of complex fractionated atrial electrograms do not compete with clinical perspective. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2013, Zaragoza. Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC) – IEEE Xplore, 2013. p. 1055-1058.


SALINET JUNIOR, JL ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, GA ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Distinct Patterns in the most common clinical arrhythmia: what is the mechanism?. In: XXIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2012, Porto de Galinhas. XXIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2012. p. 1-6.


SALINET JUNIOR, JL ; MADEIRO, JPV ; MARQUES, JA ; CORTEZ, PC ; STAFFORD, PJ ; NG, GA ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . Removing ventricular influence from intracardiac atrial fibrillation electrograms. In: XXIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2012, Porto de Galinhas. XXIII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2012. p. 1984-1988.


VANHEUSDEN, FJ; SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; NICOLSON, WB; MACCANN, GP ; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . Patient-Specific Three-dimensional Torso Models for Analyzing Cardiac Activity. In: Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC), 2012, Krakow. Computing in Cardiology Conference (CinC) – IEEE Xplore, 2012. p. 973-976.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; AHMAD, A.; BROWN, PD; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, G. ANDRE ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Three-dimensional Frequency Mapping from the Non-contact Unipolar Electrograms in Atrial Fibrillation. In: Computers in Cardiology (Computing in Cardiology), 2010, Belfast. IEEE Xplore Digital Library References: Computing in Cardiology, 2010. p. 745-748.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; COSTA, ET . Design and Construction of transmission and reception circuits for ultrasound multi-element transducer. In: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering, 2009, Munich. WC 2009, IFMBE Proceedings, 2009. v. 25. p. 693-696.


ALBUQUERQUE, JAG ; SALINET JUNIOR, JL ; COSTA, ET . WEB System for Acoustic Field Simulation. In: Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering – CBEB, 2008, Salvador. XXI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2008. p. 1182-1185.


RATZAT, EL ; MORI, GM ; Salinet Jr., JL ; CAULKINS, KW ; JUNKES, LN ; FURLANETTO, R. . Analysis of logistics situation aiming at benchmarking: the case of the industry of Santa Catarina. In: National Meeting of Production Engineering, 2002, Curitiba. National Meeting of Production Engineering, 2002.

Extended abstracts published in conference proceedings


QUADROS, ADS ; SILVA, JCE ; SANDOVAL, I. ; LUZ, R. ; NEVES, T. ; SILVA, VP ; COSTA, GV ; PAREDES, JGS ; UZELAC, I. ; Salinet, J. . Estimation of Cardiac Signals in an Animal Model by the iECG Technique.. In: XIII National Conference on Communication, Networks and Information Security (Encom 2023), 2023, Belém. XIII National Conference on Communication, Networks and Information Security (Encom 2023), 2023.


LI, X. ; CHU, G.; ALMEIDA, TP; Salinet, J .; MISTRY, AR ; VALI, Z.; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Ng, G Andre . Machine learning classifiers for predicting catheter ablation responses using non-contact electrograms during persistent atrial fibrillation. In: European Heart Rhythm Association 2019 (EHRA 2019), 2019, Lisbon. EP Europace, 2019. v. 21.


ALMEIDA, TP; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Salinet, JL ; LI, X. ; CHU, G.; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SORIANO, DC. Recurrence quantification analysis for characterizing atrial electrogram fractionation in human chronic atrial fibrillation. In: 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, 2017, São Paulo. 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, 2017.


DASTAGIR, N.; LI, X. ; ALMEIDA, TP; VANHEUSDEN, FREDERIQUE JOS ; SALINET, JOÃO ; CHU, G.; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Effect of Filtering Atrial Electrograms on the Relationship of Phase and Dominant Frequency. In: Atrial Signals, 2015, Karlsruhe. Atrial Signals, 2015.

Abstracts published in conference proceedings




WEBER, G. ; CORREIA, R. ; PAREDES, JGS; SILVA, VP; UZELAC, I.; Salinet, J. Acquisition of atrial epicardial electrical activity in an isolated rabbit heart through multiple-electrode arrays. In: 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023, São Bernardo do Campo. 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023.


SANDOVAL, I.; COSTA, GV; RESTIVO, CR; MARQUES, VG; RODRIGO, MIGUEL ; GUILLEM, MS ; SIMS, J.; Salinet, J. Automated pipeline to aid atrial fibrillation treatment. In: 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023, São Bernardo do Campo. 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023.


COSTA, RR; SALINET, ASM; Salinet, J. Characterization of Cerebral Autoregulation in Patients with Stoke: Pilot Project. In: 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023, São Bernardo do Campo. 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023.


SILVA, VP; PAREDES, JGS; CORREIA, R. ; WEBER, G. ; SANDOVAL, I.; UZELAC, I.; Salinet, J. Mapping of the Electrical Cardiac Activity: A Methodology for Animal Experimentation Studies. In: 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023, São Bernardo do Campo. 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023.


PAREDES, JGS; CROWLEY, C.; FENTON, FH ; BHATIA, N. ; IRAVANIAN, S. ; SANDOVAL, I.; POLLNOW, S. ; CANOPY, O. ; UZELAC, I.; Salinet, J. Circle Method for Estimation of Local Conduction Velocity to Characterize Ablation Sites Using Optical Mapping Data. In: 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023, São Bernardo do Campo. 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023.


CORREIA, R. ; WEBER, G. ; PAREDES, JGS; SILVA, VP; Salinet, J. Development of an experimental setup for the non-invasive characterization of atrial fibrillation with surface electrocardiographic mapping. In: 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023, São Bernardo do Campo. 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023.


SILVA, JCE ; SANDOVAL, I.; NEVES, T.; COSTA, GV; PAREDES, JGS; CORREIA, R. ; WEBER, G. ; UZELAC, I.; Salinet, J. Noninvasive Electrocardiographic Imaging of Atrial Fibrillation: Preliminary Results from Animal Model. In: 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023, São Bernardo do Campo. 1st Biomedical Engineering Workshop of UFABC, 2023.


NEVES, T. ; Silva, Vinicius ; PAREDES, JGS ; SANDOVAL, I. ; QUADROS, ADS ; LUZ, R. ; MATEO, JCP ; UZELAC, I. ; SALINET, JOÃO . A non-invasive cardiac electrical mapping system: validation and analysis in isolated rabbit heart. In: XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023, Ribeirão Preto. XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023.


QUADROS, ADS ; SANDOVAL, I. ; Silva, Vinicius ; NEVES, T. ; LUZ, R. ; Costa, Gabriel V. ; PAREDES, JGS ; UZELAC, I. ; MATEO, JCP ; SALINET, JOÃO . ECGI for atrial fibrillation: analysis of preliminary results from animal model setup. In: XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023, Ribeirão Preto. XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023.


PAREDES, JGS ; GABRELON, T. ; NEVES, T. ; SANDOVAL, I. ; QUADROS, ADS ; LUZ, R. ; Silva, Vinicius ; UZELAC, I. ; SALINET, JOÃO . Local activation time for characterization of atrial activity in Langendorff-perfused isolated rabbit hearts. In: XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023, Ribeirão Preto. XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023.


Silva, Vinicius ; SANDOVAL, I. ; NEVES, T. ; PAREDES, JGS ; QUADROS, ADS ; UZELAC, I. ; SALINET, JOÃO . Setup for cardiac electrophysiological analysis in isolated rabbit heart. In: XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023, Ribeirão Preto. XI Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging, 2023.


COSTA, RR; ZAMAI, M.; MOURA, FS ; PANERAI, R.; Salinet, J .; SALINET, ASM. Open-Source Platform for Cerebral Autoregulation Assessment (CAAos platform): Platform Configuration and Usability.. In: Annual Meeting of the Cerebrovascular Research Network (CARNet), 2022, Leicester. Annual Meeting of the Cerebrovascular Research Network (CARNet), 2022. v. 2022.


COSTA, RR; ZAMAI, M.; Salinet, J .; SALINET, ASM. K-Nearest Neighbors algorithm for Predicting Cerebral Autoregulation Impairment in Patients with Acute Ischemic Stroke. In: Annual Meeting of the Cerebrovascular Research Network (CARNet), 2022, Leicester. Annual Meeting of the Cerebrovascular Research Network (CARNet), 2022. v. 2022.


Salinet, J .; MOURA, FS ; COSTA, RR; SANTOS, PMN; PANERAI, R.; DUARTE, AM; BOR-SENG-SHU, E. ; SALINET, ASM. Open Source Platform for Cerebral Autoregulation Assessment (CAAos platform): Platform Configuration and Method Validation. In: 10th international meeting on Cerebral Haemodynamic Regulation, 2021, Shenzhen. 10th international meeting on Cerebral Haemodynamic Regulation, 2021.


COSTA, GV ; CESTARI, IA ; Salinet, J. . Propagation of cardiac electrical activity: a computational and experimental contribution. In: IV Workshop on Innovation in Biomedical Engineering (IV WIEB), 2021, São José dos Campos. IV Workshop on Innovation in Biomedical Engineering (IV WIEB), 2021.


RESTIVO, CR ; CAMARGO, EDLB ; CESTARI, IA ; Salinet, J. . Surface electrocardiographic mapping system: optimization methodology. In: IV Workshop on Innovation in Biomedical Engineering (IV WIEB), 2021, São José dos Campos. IV Workshop on Innovation in Biomedical Engineering (IV WIEB), 2021.


RESTIVO, CR; COSTA, GV; SANDOVAL, I.; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. Characterization of Atrial Arrhythmias through the Forward Problem of Electrocardiography: preliminary analysis. In: 17th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) and 10th Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging (SIIM ? Simpósio de Instrumentação e Imagem Médica), 2021, Campinas. 17th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) and 10th Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging (SIIM ? Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging), 2021.


COSTA, GV; RESTIVO, CR; SANDOVAL, I.; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. Characterization of atrial arrhythmias using the ECGi: preliminary analysis of a computational study. In: 17th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) and 10th Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging (SIIM ? Simpósio de Instrumentação e Imagem Médica), 2021, Campinas. 17th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) and 10th Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging (SIIM ? Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging), 2021.


MCINNIS, M. ; RESTIVO, CR; SANDOVAL, I.; Salinet, J. Personalized 3D anatomical geometry segmentation of torso and atria from AF patients: preliminary analysis. In: 17th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) and 10th Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging (SIIM ? Simpósio de Instrumentação e Imagem Médica), 2021, Campinas. 17th International Symposium on Medical Information Processing and Analysis (SIPAIM) and 10th Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging (SIIM ? Symposium on Medical Instrumentation and Imaging), 2021.


DUARTE, AM ; COSTA, RR ; MOURA, FS ; SALINET, ASM ; Salinet, J. . Evaluation and Systematization of the Autoregulation Index for Cerebral Autoregulation Assessment: preliminary study analysis. In: XXVII edition of the Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020. p. 894-895.


PAREDES, JGS ; POLLNOW, S. ; UZELAC, I. ; DOSSEL, O. ; Salinet, J. . 50% Criteria as an alternative to the first derivative to nd the optical activation time after radiofrequency ablation. In: XXVII edition of the Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020, Vitória. XXVII Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering (CBEB 2020), 2020. p. 1876-1877.


SALINET, JOÃO ; MOURA, FS ; SANTOS, PMN; BOR-SENG-SHU, E. ; SALINET, ASM. Cerebral Autoregulation Open Source Multiplatform: A Preliminary Validation. In: 9th International Meeting on Cerebral Haemodynamic Regulation (CARNet meeting), 2019, Leuven, Belgium. 9th International Meeting on Cerebral Haemodynamic Regulation (CARNet meeting), 2019.


DUARTE, AM; SALINET, JOÃO L. ; MIDORIKAWA, KC ; AZEVEDO, D. ; SALINET, ASM. Implementing, validating and comparing the transfer function method for cerebral autoregulation analysis. In: 8th international meeting on Cerebral Haemodynamic Regulation (CARNet meeting), 2018, Oxford, UK. 8th international meeting on Cerebral Haemodynamic Regulation (CARNet meeting), 2018.


DUARTE, AM ; SALINET, ASM ; MIDORIKAWA, KC ; AZEVEDO, D. ; Salinet, J. . Implementing transfer function analysis method and autoregulation index to assess cerebral autoregulation: a preliminary study. In: XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018, Búzios. XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018.


SILVA, BFG ; TONG, BGC ; SOUZA, PDS ; Salinet, J. . IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Student Chapter at UFABC: student opportunities and contributions. In: XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018, Búzios. XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018.


Salinet, J. ; MARQUES, VG ; MAZZETO, M. ; CAMARGO, EDLB ; PASTORE, CA ; CESTARI, IA . Preliminary Validation of a 64-lead Body Surface Potential Mapping on Healthy Volunteers. In: XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018, Búzios. XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018.


MICHESKI, P. ; PAREDES, JGS ; Salinet, J. . Product Certification Body versus Demand of Electro-medical Devices: the Brazilian scenario, limitations, disparity and opportunities. In: XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018. XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering.


TREVIZAN, T. ; LI, X. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS ; STAFFORD, PJ ; Ng, G Andre ; Salinet, J. . Atrial fibrillation patterns are pre-processing method-based dependent. In: XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018, Búzios. XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018.


BEZERRA, AS ; ALMEIDA, TP ; MASE, M. ; RAVELLI, F. ; LI, X. ; CHU, G. ; Salinet, J. ; SORIANO, DC ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. ; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, PJ ; YONEYAMA, T. . Time and frequency domain similarities of atrial activations during chronic atrial fibrillation. In: XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018. XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018.


MARQUES, VG ; RODRIGO, M. ; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. . Preliminary Characterization of Atrial Arrhythmia Mechanisms on Body Surface Potential Mapping. In: XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering, 2018, Búzios. XXVI Brazilian Congress of Biomedical Engineering.


PEREIRA, VC; CAMARGO, EDLB ; Salinet, JL ; SORIANO, DC. Recurrence quantification analysis in real time in Labview: simulated ECG evaluation. In: 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, 2017, São Paulo. 7th International Symposium on Recurrence Plots, 2017.


TREVIZAN, T. ; Salinet, J. . Analysis of Electrophysiological Maps Used in the Treatment of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation. In: 8th Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017, São Bernardo do Campo. 8th Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017.


YOSHIDA, LA ; SALINET, ASM ; Salinet, J. . Synchronization of cerebral blood flow and blood pressure for calculation of cerebral autoregulation. In: 8th Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017, São Bernardo do Campo. 8th Symposium on Instrumentation and Medical Imaging (SIIM) and 7th Symposium on Signal Processing (SPS), 2017.


LI, X. ; CHU, G.; ALMEIDA, TP; Salinet, JL ; DASTAGIR, N.; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; MISTRY, AR ; VALI, Z.; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Ng, G Andre . Improving target identification of persistent atrial fibrillation ablation using simultaneous intracardiac mapping. In: Heart Rhythm Congress, 2017, Birmingham. EP Europace, 2017. v. 19. p. i14-i14.


LI, X. ; CHU, G.; ALMEIDA, TP; Salinet, JL ; DASTAGIR, N.; MISTRY, AR ; VALI, Z.; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Ng, G Andre . Characteristics of ablated rotors in terminating persistent atrial fibrillation using non-contact mapping. In: Heart Rhythm Congress, 2017, Birmingham. EP Europace, 2017. v. 19. p. i3-i3.


SCHLINDWEIN, FS; CHU, G.; ALMEIDA, TP; LI, X. ; DASTAGIR, N.; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; Salinet, JL ; STAFFORD, P.J.; NG, GA. Frequency, phase and fractionation of atrial electrograms help guide AF ablation. In: Atrial Signals 2015, 2015, Karlsruhe. Atrial Signals, 2015.


Salinet, JL ; GUILLEM, MS ; ALMEIDA, TP; XIN, L.; CHU, G.; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; DASTAGIR, N.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Co-localized Drifting Rotors and Frequency Activity Followed by Activity Reduction after Persistent Atrial Fibrillation ablation. In: Atrial Signals 2015, 2015, Karlsruhe. Atrial Signals, 2015.


ALMEIDA, TP; CHU, G.; Salinet, JL ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; LI, X. ; DASTAGIR, N.; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P.J.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Targeting Complex Fractionated Atrial Electrograms During Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Ablation: but which ones?. In: Atrial Signals 2015, 2015, Karlsruhe. Atrial Signals, 2015.


XIN, L.; CHU, G.; ALMEIDA, TP; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; Salinet, JL ; STAFFORD, P.J.; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Recurrent High Dominant Frequency Spatial Patterns in Atrial Fibrillation. In: Atrial Signals 2015, 2015, Karlsruhe. Atrial Signals, 2015.


CHU, G.; LI, X. ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; ALMEIDA, TP; Salinet, JL ; DASTAGIR, N.; VARANASI, SS ; CHIN, SH; SIDDIQUI, S. ; MAN, SH; STAFFORD, P. ; SANDILANDS, AJ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. Cyclical Regions of Highest Dominant Frequency are Feasible Targets for Ablation in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2015, 2015, Orlando, Florida. American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Sessions 2015, 2015.


ALMEIDA, TP; CHU, G.; Salinet, JL ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; LI, X. ; TUAN, JIUN H. ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Differences in Fractionated Electrogram Detection: a Direct Quantitative Comparison Between Navx And Carto. In: Heart Rhythm Congress (HRC), 2015, Birmingham, UK. Europace EP, 2015.


LI, X. ; CHU, G.; ALMEIDA, TP; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; DASTAGIR, N.; Salinet, JL ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Recurrent High Dominant Frequency Patterns in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: Heart Rhythm Congress (HRC), 2015, Birmingham, UK. Europace EP, 2015.


DASTAGIR, N.; Salinet, JL ; LI, X. ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; ALMEIDA, TP; CHU, G.; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. Relationship of Phase Singularities and High Dominant Frequency Regions during Persistent Atrial Fibrillation in Humans. In: Heart Rhythm Congress (HRC), 2015, Birmingham, UK. Europace EP, 2015.


CHU, G.; LI, X. ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; ALMEIDA, TP; Salinet, JL ; DASTAGIR, N.; VARANASI, SS ; CHIN, SH; Siddiqui, MS; MAN, SH; STAFFORD, P. ; SANDILANDS, AJ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. Targeting Cyclical Highest Dominant Frequency in the Ablation of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: Heart Rhythm Congress (HRC), 2015, Birmingham, UK. Europace EP, 2015.


DASTAGIR, N.; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; CHU, G.; Salinet, JL ; LI, X. ; ALMEIDA, TP; STAFFORD, P.J.; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Ng, G Andre . Spatiotemporal Analysis of Phase and Frequency Dynamics in Human Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: American Heart Association Scientific Sessions, 2015, Orlando. Circulation, 2015. v. 132. p. A15890.


Salinet, JL ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Alternative Three-dimensional Frequency Mapping for Atrial Fibrillation Intracardiac Electrograms. In: 5th UNICAMP Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-UNICAMP’2014), 2014, Campinas. 5th UNICAMP Signal Processing Symposium, 2014.


Salinet, JL ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . High Density Frequency Mapping of Human Intracardiac Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms. In: 5th UNICAMP Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-UNICAMP’2014), 2014, Campinas. 5th UNICAMP Signal Processing Symposium (SPS-UNICAMP’2014), 2014.


ALMEIDA, TP; CHU, G.; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; LI, X. ; Salinet, JL ; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P.J.; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Ng, G Andre . Investigating differences in complex fractionated atrial electrogram discrimination as performed by CARTO and NavX algorithms. In: Heart Rhythm Congress, 2014, Birmingham. Europace EP, 2014.


DASTAGIR, N.; CHU, G.; VANHEUSDEN, FJ; Salinet, JL ; ALMEIDA, TP; LI, X. ; STAFFORD, P.J.; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Ng, G Andre . Ablation for Persistent atrial fibrillation shrinks left atrial high dominant frequency areas. In: Heart Rhythm Congress, 2014, Birmingham. EP Europace: Heart Rhythm Congress Proceedings, 2014.


JOHN, B.; GANESAN, A.; Salinet, JL ; SANDERS, P. . Acute release of stretch directly impacts spatiotemporal dynamics in atrial fibrillation. In: Asian-Pacific Heart Rhytm Scientific Session (APHRS), 2014, New Delhi. 7th Asian-Pacific Heart Rhythm Scientific Session (APHRS), 2014.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P.J.; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. ; NG, GA. High Density Noncontact Mapping of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Dominant Frequency and Organization Index during Sequential Mapping. In: Heart Rhythm 2013: 34th Annual Scientific Sessions, 2013, Denver. Heart Rhythm. New York: ELSEVIER, 2013. v. 10. p. S1-S2.


ALMEIDA, TP; SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; CHU, G.; TUAN, JIUN H. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. ; NG, GA. Atrial Electrogram Complexity as an Objective Measurement of Fractionation. In: Heart Rhythm 2013: 34th Annual Scientific Sessions, 2013, Denver. Heart Rhythm. New York: ELSEVIER, 2013. v. 10. p. S2-S2.


ALMEIDA, TP; SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; CHU, G.; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. ; NG, GA. Atrial electrogram complexity as a clinical instrument for measuring temporal fractionation variability during atrial fibrillation. In: Heart Rhythm Congress, 2013, Birmingham. Europace EP. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2013. v. 15. p. iv31-iv35.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; ARUJA, J.; Brown, P.D.; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. Trajectory Propagation of Dominant Frequency Areas using High Density Noncontact Mapping Reveals Distinct Behavior in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: Heart Rhythm 2012: 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions, 2012, Boston. Heart Rhythm. Maryland Heights: ELSEVIER, 2012. v. 9. p. S4-S5.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; MARQUES, JA; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. A New Approach to Identify and Measure Fractionated Atrial Electrograms. In: Heart Rhythm 2012: 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions, 2012, Boston. Heart Rhythm. Maryland Heights: ELSEVIER, 2012. v. 9. p. S365-S366.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; TUAN, JH ; SANDILANDS, ALISTAIR J. ; MADEIRO, JPV; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. Distinctive Patterns of Dominant Frequency Trajectory Behavior Exist in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Characterization of Spatio-temporal Instability. In: Heart Rhythm Congress (Young Investigation Competition), 2012, Birmingham. Europace EP. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2012. v. 14. p. iv3-iv3.


VANHEUSDEN, FJ; SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; NICOLSON, WB; MACCANN, GP ; NG, GA; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Structured 3D Finite Element Torso Models for Cardiac Activity Analysis. In: Bioengineering Society Conference, 2012, Oxford. Bioengineering Society Conference, 2012.


MADEIRO, JPV; CORTEZ, PC ; MARQUES, JA; SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; PEIXOTO Jr, AA; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . A Heart Rate Variability Based Approach to Analyze Frailty in Older Adults. In: International Conference on Medical Signal & Information Processing (MEDSIP), 2012, Liverpool. MEDSIP Proceedings, 2012.


MARQUES, JA; MADEIRO, JPV; CORTEZ, PC ; SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . Spectrogram Analysis to Interpret Long Term Variability of Fetal Heart Rate. In: International Conference on Medical Signal & Information Processing (MEDSIP), 2012, Liverpool. MEDSIP Proceedings, 2012.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; BROWN, PD; AHMAD, A.; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. High Density Noncontact Frequency Mapping Reveals Distinct Dominant Frequency Behavior in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. In: Heart Rhythm 2011: 32nd Annual Scientific Session, 2011, San Francisco. Heart Rhythm. New York: Elsevier, 2011. v. 8. p. S146-S146.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; BROWN, PD; PD, LOHIYA ; BIDDER, S.J.; STAFFORD, PETER J. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. ; NG, GA. Evidence for cyclic temporal variability from high-frequency re-entrant circuits in persistent atrial fibrillation. In: Heart Rhythm Congress, 2011, Birmingham. Europace. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011. v. 13. p. iv20-iv24.


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; TUAN, JH ; BROWN, PD; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, G. ANDRE ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. The Spatial and Temporal Variability of 3D Dominant Frequency Mapping from 2048 Noncontact Unipolar Electrograms in Human Atrial Fibrillation. In: Heart Rhythm Congress, 2010, Birmingham. Europace EP. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. v. 12. p. ii22.


SALINET JUNIOR, JL ; OJEDA, R. . Study and Calibration of Sphygmomanometers. In: IX Scientific Initiation Seminar of the Federal University of Santa Catarina., 1999, Florianópolis. IX Scientific Initiation Seminar of the Federal University of Santa Catarina., 1999.

Work Presentations


Salinet, J. . The role of Biomedical Engineering in automating the diagnosis of heart disease and treatment. 2024. (Paper/Conference Presentation or Lecture).


 Salinet, J. ; PAREDES, JGS ; NEVES, T. ; SILVA, VP . Mapping of cardiac electrical activity during atrial fibrillation: a contribution to animal experiments. 2023. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


SANDOVAL, I. ; COSTA, GV ; RESTIVO, CR ; MARQUES, VG ; RODRIGO, M. ; GUILLEM, MS ; SIMS, J. ; Salinet, J. . Non-Invasive Supraventricular Tachyarrhythmia Mechanism Classification and Location based on Body Surface and Electrocardiographic Imaging biomarkers. 2023. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


SANDOVAL, I. ; SILVA, VP ; PAREDES, JGS ; WEBER, G. ; CORREIA, R. ; NEVES, T. ; UZELAC, I. ; SIMS, J. ; Salinet, J. . Heart Geometry Generation and Signal Projection for Optical Panoramic and Electrical Mapping in Atrial Fibrillation. 2023. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


COSTA, RR ; SALINET, ASM ; NOGUEIRA, R. ; Salinet, J. . Prediction of Stroke Diagnosis Through a Classification Model Based on Cerebral Autoregulation: a Preliminary Study. 2023. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


Salinet, J. . Treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias guided by three-dimensional electrophysiological maps: where we are and where we should go. 2022. (Paper Presentation/Seminar).


COSTA, GV ; RESTIVO, CR ; SANDOVAL, I. ; GUILLEM, MARIA DE LA SALUD ; Salinet, J. . A personalized pipeline to reduce ECGi-AF biomarkers disparity: a clinical-computational study. 2022. (Paper/Congress Presentation).


RESTIVO, CR ; COSTA, GV ; SANDOVAL, I. ; GUILLEM, MARIA DE LA SALUD ; Salinet, J. . Validation of a customized method for estimation of torso AF biomarkers from the atria: a computational-clinical study. 2022. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


Salinet, J. . Refinement methods with rabbits. 2022. (Paper/Conference Presentation or Lecture).


Salinet, J. . Treatment of complex cardiac arrhythmias guided by three-dimensional electrophysiological maps: where we are and where we should go. 2022. (Paper Presentation/Other).


Salinet, J. . Non-invasive methods of analysis of cardiac electrical activity: principles and applications. 2021. (Paper Presentation/Other).


MARQUES, VG ; RODRIGO, M. ; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. . Classification of atrial arrhythmic mechanism and their location in body surface potential mapping. 2020. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


Salinet, J. . The contribution of the Biomedical Engineer in the understanding and diagnosis of heart diseases. 2019. (Paper/Conference Presentation or Lecture).


MARQUES, VG ; RODRIGO, M. ; AMANO, MT ; Salinet, J. . Characterization of Atrial Arrhythmic Mechanisms in Body Surface Potential Mapping Computer Models. 2019. (Paper Presentation/Symposium).


MARQUES, VG ; RODRIGO, M. ; GUILLEM, MS ; Salinet, J. . Effects of Body Surface Potential Mapping Lead Layouts in the Analysis of Atrial Signals. 2019. (Paper Presentation/Symposium).


MADEIRO, JPV ; BARRETO, D. ; MARQUES, JAL ; Salinet, J. . Evaluating Mathematical Models for Morphological Classification of the QRS Complex.. 2019. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


SILVA, DP ; WATANABE, WT ; LOPES, WS ; RODRIGUES, H. ; RODRIGUES, R. ; Salinet, J. ; BISSACO, M. ; GOROSO, G. . Remote monitoring of biomedical signals.. 2019. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


WATANABE, WT ; SILVA, DP ; LOPES, WS ; RODRIGUES, H. ; RODRIGUES, R. ; Salinet, J. ; BISSACO, MAS ; GOROSO, G. . Remote monitoring of heart rate variability: arrhythmia detection.. 2019. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


SIMS, J. ; Salinet, J. ; GUTIERREZ, M. . Directional Analysis of 2D Cardiac Motion Slices Using the Discrete Helmholtz Hodge Decomposition. 2019. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


SIMS, J. ; CASTALDONI, R. ; Salinet, J. ; ASSUNCAO-JR, AN ; ARAUJO-FILHO, JA ; VICTOR, R. ; MORAES, T. ; LEMOS, AP ; TARASSOUTI, F. ; VIEIRA, M. ; NOMURA, CH . Statistical and Image Processing Tools for Predicting Severity of Calcific Degenerative Aortic Valve Stenosis.. 2019. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


Salinet, J. . The contribution of the biomedical engineer to the understanding and diagnosis of heart diseases. 2019. (Paper/Conference Presentation or Lecture).


Salinet, J. . Lecture given on the topic Electrocardiogram: fundamentals and applications in the discipline PTC5894-2 – Biomedical Instrumentation in the Postgraduate Program in Electrical Engineering at the Polytechnic School of the University of São Paulo. 2018. (Work Presentation/Other).


PANICO, K. ; WEBER, G. ; RAMOS, MSC ; Salinet, JL . Electrophysiological Effects on Renal Ischaemia/Reperfusion-Induced Cardiac Hypertrophy. 2017. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


Salinet, JL ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS ; STAFFORD, P. ; ALMEIDA, TP ; LI, X. ; VANHEUSDEN, FJ ; GUILLEM, MS ; Ng, G Andre . Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Hierarchical Activation: from Highest DF Sites to Wave Fractionation at the Boundaries. 2017. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


Salinet, JL . High density mapping of human intracardiac persistent atrial fibrillation noncontact electrograms: spatiotemporal characterization of meandering rotors and high dominant frequency patterns. 2017. (Work/Conference Presentation or lecture).


Salinet, JL ; MENEGHINI, CEB ; CAMARGO, EDLB ; CESTARI, IA . Platform for high-density torso biopotential mapping. 2016. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


SALINET, JOÃO L. . Distinct patterns in the most common clinical arrhythmia: clinical vs modeling. 2015. (Paper/Conference Presentation or Lecture).


Salinet, JL . Drifting rotors propagation surrounded by high dominant frequency areas in persistent atrial fibrillation. 2015. (Paper Presentation/Seminar).


Salinet, JL . High Density Frequency Mapping of Human Intracardiac Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms. 2015. (Paper Presentation/Seminar).


Salinet, JL ; GUILLEM, MS ; ALMEIDA, TP; XIN, L.; GOROSO, G.; CHU, G.; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. Drifting rotor prevalence is associated with dominant frequency reduction after persistent atrial fibrillation ablation. 2015. (Work/Congress Presentation).


Freitas, EB ; Salinet, JL ; ALMEIDA, TP ; OLIVEIRA, HJQ . A novel method for automatic standardization of digital electrocardiographs. 2015. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


Salinet, JL ; SORIANO, DC . Biomedical signal processing and preprocessing. 2015. (Paper/Conference Presentation or Lecture).


Salinet, JL ; MARQUES, JA ; SALINET, ASM ; NG, GA ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . Nonlinearity Characterization and Entropy Analysis of Intracardiac Atrial Electrogram Signals. 2014. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


SALINET, JOÃO L. ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . High Density Frequency Mapping of Human Intracardiac Persistent Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms. 2014. (Paper Presentation/Symposium).


SALINET, JOÃO L. ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FERNANDO S. . Alternative Three-dimensional Frequency Mapping for Atrial Fibrillation Intracardiac Electrograms. 2014. (Paper Presentation/Symposium).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, GA. High Density Noncontact Mapping of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Dominant Frequency and Organization Index during Sequential Mapping. 2013. (Work/Congress Presentation).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; TUAN, JH ; SANDILANDS, AJ; MADEIRO, JPV; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; Ng, G Andre . Distinctive Patterns of Dominant Frequency Trajectory Behavior Exist in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation: Characterization of Spatio-Temporal Instability. 2012. (Work/Congress Presentation).


Salinet, JL ; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Distinct Patterns in the Most Common Clinical Arrhythmia: What is the Mechanism?. 2012. (Paper/Congress Presentation).


Salinet, JL ; MADEIRO, JPV ; MARQUES, JA ; STAFFORD, P. ; Ng, G Andre ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Removing Ventricular Influence from Intracardiac Atrial Fibrillation Electrograms. 2012. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; BROWN, PD; PD, LOHIYA ; BIDDER, S.J.; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, G. ANDRE . Evidence for Cyclic Temporal Variability from High Frequency Re-entrant Circuits in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. 2011. (Work/Congress Presentation).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; BROWN, PD; AHMAD, A.; TUAN, JH ; STAFFORD, P. ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS; NG, G. ANDRE . High Density Noncontact Frequency Mapping Reveals Distinct Dominant Frequency Behavior in Persistent Atrial Fibrillation. 2011. (Work/Congress Presentation).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; BROWN, PD ; BIDDER, SJ ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, G. ANDRE ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Where Engineering Meets Medicine: New Treatment Hope for the Most Common Cardiac Arrhythmia. 2011. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS ; NG, GA . Colouring the Heart for successful treatment. 2010. (Paper Presentation/Other).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; NG, G. ANDRE ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Colouring the Heart for successful treatment. 2010. (Paper Presentation/Congress).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; TUAN, JH ; BROWN, PD; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, G. ANDRE ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS. The Spatial and Temporal Variability of 3D Dominant Frequency Mapping from 2048 Noncontact Unipolar Electrograms in Human Atrial Fibrillation. 2010. (Work/Congress Presentation).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; AHMAD, A. ; BROWN, PD ; STAFFORD, P. ; NG, G. ANDRE ; SCHLINDWEIN, FS . Three-dimensional Frequency Mapping from the Non-contact Unipolar Electrograms in Atrial Fibrillation. 2010. (Paper Presentation/Conference or Lecture).


SALINET JÚNIOR, JL ; OJEDA, R. . Study and Calibration of Sphygmomanometers – IEB/UFSC. 1999. (Paper Presentation/Seminar).